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What others are saying:
We ( my friends & me ) think that McLaren
should introduce team orders if the situation so demands it, of course
if one of the drivers is out of the race like today its a different
McLaren needs to make a last minute attempt at the constructors however
all help must be given to DC by Mika for a bid at the championship. Mika
we're sure would not be like other drivers would co-operate . We love
Mika to death however it is a team sport & thats the way it is - Pranav
- India
Team orders are a must for McLaren if they want to win.
Their drivers are on equal points. David helped Mika in 1998 it should be Mika's turn -
Boomer - Australia
I agree that if McLaren want to win the championship they
should have team orders like Ferrari, I think Mika is the best chance for the title, David
is a second driver - Charles - Malta
The driver who have a better starting place should be the
one who receive the support from the other driver no matter if he is the Nº1 or 2 -
Tomas L - Venezuela
I think they should let the best man win because both of
them are only where they in the championship ladder due to superior equipment and not
driving ability, they both can only win if Schumacher breaks down!! They both have to keep
hoping for Ferrari will continue to have reliability problems otherwise neither of them
have a hope in hell of being world champion for 2000!! - Brown Dog - Arabian
I sympathize with Ron Dennis, I say I sympathize with him
because lets assume
(for arguments sake) Hakkinen wins the next race with Coulthard 2nd this would leave them
2 points apart lets say they have a similar margin between them towards the end of the
season which way should Ron go?
Should he back Hakkinen who has been so consistent for the last 3 seasons, pole position
after pole position (except for that tiny lean patch) and so dominant
at the front of the race, team orders in his favour would help him become the member of a
very exclusive club (3 championships in a row).
Back David, who has looked so good so aggressive so brilliant all season, Team
orders in David's favour would give him the chance to win his first drivers' championship.
Make Mika pay back for all the times David helped him on his way to 2 titles. Even though
I am a Hakkinen fan, David has looked so much better than Schumi or Mika all season (How
many times have Michael or Mika passed David on the race track this season?). I would hate
to be in Ron's shoes, but the stage is set for an epic 3 way battle for the driver's
championship - Notorious_BIG_IC - Australia
No! I don't think that McLaren should introduce team
orders.Hakkinen and Coulthard are two very aggressive and competitive drivers. They are
good friends as well as worthy opponents between them and as well for other opponents.
They are really doing very well especially Coulthard. I think McLaren should give them a
break at the moment and allow them to drive to the fullest.
Let them ride FREE!!! - Galdiator
I think David and Mika Should work together to win the
race.Who take the championship is not important - Liew S.Y. - Malaysia
A team event should have appropriate strategy, and the
execution of it should be the responsibility of its team members, and team-work is
paramount in winning.
Whether a team is evenly matched between the 2 drivers or not, team orders are critical to
the success. Let us go back to last year's Sepang Grand Prix in Malaysia. Without
team orders, Mika Hakkinen would have won outright. Michael Schumacher has to let
Eddie Irvine overtake twice. Now that brought the Grand Prix to its climax in
Suzuka, Japan.
Who said the fans were not thrilled by that final race, where competition between the two,
Mika and Eddie went full rounds. McLaren should plan well and give team orders to maximise
its winning both in Driver and Constructor's awards
Competition should be with the other teams - not within its own team - Joseph Y -
Would Schumacher have spun in Austria had he and
Barrichello taken the first corner 'properly' instead of Rubens feeling obliged to let him
through ?, I think not.
Let Hakkinen and Coulthard fight it out for the next three or four races, if Schumacher is
still a threat, THEN decide the pecking order - Dunder - Hong Kong
F1 is about money, it ceased to be a sport a long time ago.
Teams are the basis of the business and winning the Drivers Championship is the source of
the funds.
McLaren could win 6 of the next 7 races and lose the championship. One win and six seconds
would give Schumacher the championship if Coulthard and Hakkinen win three races each.
This would result in a runaway win in the constructors and a second and third in the
drivers for McLaren and an ecstatic Schumacher as World Champion, again. Ferrari I am sure
would "settle" for a Drivers Championship.
Ron Dennis needs to make a call within two races as to who in McLaren should be the front
runner. Coulthard is driving better than ever but another Hakkinen year would be better
for the McLaren coffers. Unless Coulthard beats Hakkinen in both the next Grands Prix
Dennis has to back Hakkinen and give Coulthard his chance on another day - Geoff H
- Australia
why should McLaren do that? they are winning anyways -
Karthik - India
Team orders would have made sense if one of the drivers
seems to be clearly dominant, like in Ferrari. With 7 more races to go McLaren can
possible wait 2 or even 3 more races (depending upon the outcome of the races) before
determining the dominant driver/the driver with best chance. The only team orders that
should be given now is if the McLarens are going 1 and 2 then they should retain the
order. No overtaking on track and when overtaking does happen it should be on explicit
command from the pits. I believe this would be in the best interest of McLaren as well as
sport - Grandhi V.R. - Canada