Feb.25 (GMM) Should Adrian Sutil fail to secure his return to F1 this year with Force India, he will not linger in the paddock as a third, reserve or test driver. "I'm a racer, not a tester. I want to race," the German, who like Jules Bianchi is in the running to complete the 2013 grid, said after testing the VJM06 in Barcelona last week. The Silverstone based team, pushing the duo's links with potential 2014 engine suppliers Ferrari (Bianchi) and Mercedes (Sutil), is expected to make its decision this week. "This (Force India) is my only chance, so we are fighting for it," said Sutil. "If it doesn't work, then let's look at what else there is in another category, but I do not think that being a test driver is right for me. "I just want to race, and I'm ready," he added.
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